The Dangers Of Winter Weather And Roofs

Weather in the UK is continuing to change. We are experiencing much colder spells, along with bigger storms bringing damaging wind and weather to our properties, especially our roofs. In addition, rising sea levels have exposed our coastlines to more powerful storm surges and high winds, once again causing damage to our homes and the environment.

Winter weather is hard enough on our roofs without the current arctic winds, ice and snow. The recent winter weather we are experiencing is, unfortunately, exacerbating the roofing problems we see, including new roofs alongside older ones.

Six Winter Problems Roofs Experience In The UK

1: Leaks

Leaks are easily the most common problem you can get with your roofs, and with rainfall increasing across the UK, one to be on the lookout for. The leaks are often too small to notice during summer and autumn. However, heavier winter rainfall can quickly cause a significant leak.

2: Insufficient Insulation

Amid escalating costs, increasingly colder winters have us having to put our heating on. However, keeping the heating in the house and not out through the roof relies on sound insulation. Hearing the wind whistling into your attic space is a clear indication you have possible missing slates or roofing tiles and almost certainly not enough insulation – or what is there, the leaks have damaged.

3: Problems Caused By Freeze-Thaw

A freeze-thaw is when rainwater gets into any cracks in your roof and gutters and then freezes, expanding the crack. As it defrosts, the widened gaps take on more water, and the process continues. Especially pertinent at the moment with the fluctuation between the sub-zero and above-freezing temperatures we are experiencing.

4: Losing Tiles To High Winds

As mentioned above, we are getting stronger winds, especially along the coastline, creating a problem with dislodged tiles. If they don’t completely blow off, it is often difficult to know they have been dislodged and are therefore at increased risk of leaks. 

5: Flat Roofs In Winter

As flat roofs have little to no drainage, heavy rainfall can remain on the roof, creating puddles. These, along with snowfall, place extra weight on the roofs that can create material and structural damage.

6: Difficulties In Getting Weather-Damaged Roofs Fixed

While roofs can sustain damage throughout the year, winter is a time they can be especially vulnerable. This creates an increased workload for roofing firms, which means you might have to wait to get a professional roofer to attend to your roof damage. Firms also are disadvantaged during adverse weather due to the danger the rain, wind, hail or snow can cause to the roofers exposed on the roofs.

While none of us has control over the weather, here at Acorn Roofing can help you minimise the risk to your roof over the winter period. We can Inspect all roofs before the bad weather arrives. We can stop the leaks, check your insulation and secure your roofing tiles or slates. Talk to our professional team with any queries about weather-proofing your roof and repairs.